A decorative bathroom exhaust fan with light improves comfort and does a very important function: protect a home from damage that may be caused by mold and mildew development.
A decorative bathroom exhaust fan with light improves comfort and does a very important function: protect a home from damage that may be caused by mold and mildew development.
Learn how to select the right unit for your bathroom and check out our list of some of the best decorative exhaust fans with lighting for bathrooms. In myriads of homes across the country, bathrooms don't have ventilation or windows which leads to problems especially when the entire room becomes completely steamed. Just like how kitchens have their own extractor fans that remove excess steam that's produced during cooking, bathrooms also need exhaust fans which activate when the lights are turned on. Bathroom exhaust fans with lighting make great decorative pieces as well, but there are a few things you need to be aware of before you make a buying decision like the following:
You may or may not want an exhaust fan that doesn't make any sound when it's switched on. Homeowners often prefer the sound level that offers privacy while the bathroom is in use, especially in bathrooms or powder rooms that are close to gathering areas. Sones is the industry's standard for measuring how loud or quiet a fan is when it is in use. A low sone rating means the fan is quiet. The best sone levels are anywhere between 1.0 and 1.5 as they give off the right amount of sound. The sound is only there to give the user of the bathroom an inkling that the ventilation fan has been turned on. Sone levels that are less than 0.3 are already considered to be inaudible to humans. In order for you to maximize comfort in your bathroom, get an inaudible exhaust fan. The downside to this is it's likely to run for a prolonged period of time as you will not be made aware that the fan is running. In that case, a fan that's been added with a humidity sensor will complement the low sound. This incredible feature automatically switches on and off as the humidity in the room changes.
Units that have earned the label, ENERGY STAR, cut down the energy that is consumed by standard fans into half. But, your fan should be independently certified to guarantee that it offers efficient operation. You can check with the country's Home Ventilating Institute if you want to ensure your fan is considered energy efficient. Since you're now capable of making an informed buying decision, let's proceed to the section where we've listed ten of the best decorative bathroom exhaust fans with lighting that are currently available.